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SCT Device Updater - Window not fully displaying content

SCT Device Updater, now Derive Device Updater, tends to not open to its full size, depending on the computer you are using. This can hinder your ability to utilize the program, as some buttons will not appear; leading to frustration and a phone call.

No worries! Here are the simple steps to get the window size reformatted so that you can use the program!


This trick works with any windows computer XP-10.


1. Locate the Icon on your Desktop of Device Updater.





2. Right-click the icon, a drop-down menu will appear.





3. On the drop down menu, select "Properties". A new window will open.





4. On that new window, locate "Run: Normal Window".





5. Left-click on the drop down box, a few other options will appear.





6. Left-click maximized window. The drop down menu will disappear, but "Maximized" will remain in the box.



7. Select apply in the bottom right.





8. Close out that window by pressing "OK".





9. Open Derive Updater, and enjoy having full functionality!



Please advise, the program will take up your whole screen, and may not look the best, but it will work as designed.

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