It’s very important to correctly identify your vehicles computer code, especially when you want to obtain some custom tunes from Bama Tuning. There are hundreds of codes out there and it would be near impossible and extremely hazardous to your motor if you attempt to guess your code. Below, you will find some examples of Mustang computer codes, arranged separately by year range and tips to help you recognize your specific ECU code. The F-150 codes are similar to that of the Mustangs of the same year.
1987-1993 FoxBody Mustangs |
1994-1995 SN95 Mustangs |
1996-2014 Mustangs |
2015+ Mustang 2011+ F-150 |
Usually 2 Letters and 1 Number |
Usually 2 Letters and 2 Numbers |
Usually 3 Letters and 1 Number |
Usually 13 Characters |
Examples: A3M, A9L, A9P |
Examples: H4M3, T4M0, U4PO |
Examples: XSH1, CDC3, MDE2 |
Examples: FR3A-14C204-ABC, GR3A-14C204-XYZ |
1987-2004 Mustangs:
The Mustang Computer Code on 1987 to 2004 Mustangs should be on the Passenger Side (RH) Door Jam on a rectangular white sticker. However, sometimes the sticker can come off. In that case, you will need to look under the Passenger Side Kick Panel on the actual computer to get your Mustang computer code. Below are two example images from our 1998 GT Mustang: one showing the RH kick panel removed with computer/wiring exposed, second showing a close up of the computer code = DBZ2
2005-2009 Mustangs:
The Mustang Computer Code for your 2005-2009 Mustang can be found under the hood, on the Passenger Side (RH) located on a silver rectangular box. Below are two example images from our 2006 GT Mustang: one overview of RH engine bay, second showing a close up of the computer code = TJF1.
Please Note: the code can be located anywhere on the silver box, not just on the top as shown in the example.
2010-2014 Mustangs:
The Computer Code on the 2010-Present Mustangs will be under the hood on the Passenger Side, located next to the Fuse Box on a silver metal bracket. Below are two example images from our 2014 GT Mustang: one overview of RH engine bay, second showing a close up of the computer code = DHW1

2011+ F-150's:
For the F-150's it is often easier to use the tuner to read the ECU SWPN and Strategy code for us. The computer can be difficult to get to and read this code and Ford has likely updated the coding. Following the links below will cover how to use the tuner to read this information from the car for us.
2015 Mustangs:
The 2015's are slightly different and require the ECU SWPN to be read directly from the vehicle. This is due to Ford frequently updating the computers in the Mustangs before they are delivered. Reading the ECU SWPN directly from the vehicle ensures that our tunes will be a match to your vehicle. When reading this code with the tuner it should be in the following format: GR3A-14C204-ZXC. Below are links on how to read this from the vehicle with your RevX or X4 device.