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I have Windows 8.1 and I am having a driver error or my computer wont recognize my device

Unfortunately Windows 8.1 (and 10) may have an issue involving the drivers for the devices but this issue has been addressed in more recent releases of the Device Updater. Should you still experience this issue, below are the instructions needed to complete the manual driver installation and once completed your device will communicate with your computer for updating and loading custom tunes. 


Step 1:

First, we must determine if you have the 32bit or 64bit version of Windows 8.1. To do this, simply drag your mouse down to the bottom left corner and right click on the start button, then select "System."


Step 2:

Your computer will open up the System properties from step 1. Here we can identify which version of Windows you have. Verify that you have Windows 8.1 and check for 32bit or 64bit as displayed in the image. Most Windows 8.1 machines will be 64bit, but double check to be sure.


Step 3:

The next step is to download the appropriate file for your system. Remember where you download them because you will need them later. Typically, it files will deault to Downloads, My Documents or Desktop. Here are the links. Click to begin Download. Save files.

64 bit:

32 bit:


These files are "zipped" like putting clothes into a suitcase to conserve space. To use these files, we must first unzip them. Notice the zipper on the folder. Locate the zipped file and right click on it. Then, choose "Extract all."


Step 4:

A dialog box will appear to ask you where you would like to extract the files. You can just click "extract" at the bottom and it will unzip the files into a normal folder so we can use the files. This will default to the same location the zipped file was in unless you choose a different destination folder.

Once complete, you will have a folder with the same name that no longer has the zipper on it.


Step 5:

Finally, we can install the drivers for your device. We need to open the computer's Device Manager. Drag your mouse down to the bottom left corner of the screen where the Start button is like we did in step 1. Right click the Start button and select Device Manager from the list this time.


Step 6:

Your device manager window should be open at this point. Make sure that the device is connected to the computer via USB. You will find the device in the device manager by looking for a device that is generally notated by a yellow exclamation mark and can be found usually under "other devices."

Right click on the device in yellow and select "Update Driver Software."

On the next window, click "Browse my computer for driver software" and then click Browse on the pop-up window. Then, browse to the unzipped folder we created a few steps back.

Once you have found and selected the unzipped Windows 8.1 drivers folder and clicked OK, the computer will automatically search through that folder and install the driver files needed. You will see your device in the Device Manager change positions and names to the correct driver name. It will now be listed as iTSXDEVICE with the other sct drivers.



Your device is now connected to the computer and ready to communicate with the SCT Device Updater. If this doesn't help, you will need to call in so we can try to fix whatever is preventing the connection.

We can remote connect with you and help fix your connectivity issue. We will need to remote connect with your computer to assist you. Please click the link H E R E and run the application (team viewer) so you can have you ID and password ready. This will help us expedite your service.

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