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How do I install the SCT device updater software?

It is suggested to always return your vehicle back to stock and check for automatic updates prior to loading new tunes on your device and flashing your vehicle. If this is the first time you are using the software and plugging the device into the computer – please install the software first as it contains the device drivers.


NOTE: Windows 8 users will need to upgrade to Windows 8.1 and use a unique set of drivers. Check out this link once you finish installing the software


1. Go to SCT Tech Support Website from the link below and select your device from the list provided:

2. If prompted, please enter the serial number of your device.



3. Download "...Ford Programmer Device Update Software." The name of your device will also be shown. (Note: SCT X4 pictured below)



4. Follow the on-screen prompts to install the software.





5. If you are prompted to install the device drivers, please accept to finish installing.





6. There will be an SCT Device Updater icon on your desktop.



7. If you are prompted that there is an update to the Device Updater software, please accept and install.

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