Talk to a Bama Tuning Experience Specialist Here Free Tunes for Life
In-House Dynos • Award-Winning Customer Service

How do I request a new tune/Enroll in the Program?

If you are currently a Free Tunes for Life Member


To request a new tune all you need is to select the link below and this will take you to our log-in to submit your new information for us.  This is a separate login from the AmericanMuscle site.  Once this is completed we typically have the tunes updated and sent back out to you in 3 to 5 business days but this can very depending on the volume we are seeing.  Spring time is our busiest time of year and the time to get the files out may be longer.


Click Here If You Are a Free Tunes For Life Member



If you are not a Free Tunes for Life Member

If you are not a Free Tunes for Life Member you would either need to purchase a tuner from us that includes the membership or enroll at the link below if you are already have an SCT device.  


Enroll into Tunes for Life here


Once this is order is placed and the questionnaire is completed we typically have the tunes updated and sent back out to you in 3 to 5 business days but this can very depending on the volume we are seeing.  Spring time is our busiest time of year and the time to get the files out may be longer.


If you need any assistance placing this order, please give us or a phone call and someone will be happy to help you out.


 Click here for information about our Free Tunes for Life Program

Have more questions? Submit a request

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