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How to return your car to stock using the Diablosport Trinity

1. Accept the Warning Message




2. Select the Performance icon.



3. Turn ignition on, but DO NOT start the car. Select Continue.



4. Agree to the disclaimer



5. When the devices asks you to choose which type of tune select Diablo Tunes.



6. Scroll down to the bottom and select Original Backup a. NOTE: When returning the vehicle to the original backup file, it will also reset the device causing it to lose the .ORI file. If you wish to go back to a custom tune, you will need to obtain the .ORI file again. Directions to obtaining the .ORI file can be found in the Strategy Tune guide.




7. The device will then display a message stating this selection will restore the original backup and reset the tool. Select Choose.




8. Next, you will be asked if you want to install the original backup now. Select Yes.




9. Then, turn the ignition off and select Continue.


10. Turn the ignition on without starting the car.



11. After the device has finished writing the tune, turn the ignition off and then back on, but do not start the car.



12. It will then ask you to turn the ignition off and back on once more. Do not start the car.



13. The tune is now installed. You should receive a message stating the restore and reset are done.


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