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How do I remove custom tunes from my i2?

There are a number of reasons to remove old tunes from your device.  Maybe you don't want to get them confused with tunes for a different set-up you were running or you are selling the device and want your tunes erased.  Either way the process here is fairly easy.


1. Power up the i2 by connecting it to a vehicle by its OBD-II cable or to a computer by its mini USB.


2. Once the tuner is powered up select the option for Settings.


3. This brings up a new list of options and we want to select Advanced Options.


4. Here we will find the option to Erase Custom Tune.


5. You will then need to select your vehicles VIN and then you will have the option to select the tune you want to delete.


6. Once that tune is selected you will be prompted to Delete Selected Tune and you simply choose yes or no here to perform that action.  Selecting Yes will remove the file from the device freeing up space for a new tune to be loaded.

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