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RevX Data Logs

With the RevX having WiFi capabilities you are able to use the tuner to send a data log files to us without having to connect to your home computer.  To do this you would need to register your device with SCT and have access to your email.  Below are the steps and links for you to get this set-up.  If you do have troubles please contact us at 888.226.9764 and we can assist.


1. Go to SCT's website and create an account and then you can register your product. 


2. This account would need to have your current email address so it can send the data log file to it.

3. Once this is complete and you have a data log file on the tuner connect the tuner to your WiFi system.

4. Go into the Device Settings Menu

5. Select the option for Cloud Data Log upload, this will have a couple steps to send the data log file to the email used in setting up your account.

6. Open your email and forward this data log file to us for review and we can go about making refinements to your tune file for you.

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