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How do I check the Rev-X Tuner for updates?

Like most electronics the Rev-X tuner will require updating from time to time.  There are two ways to update your Rev-X, one is using its WiFi capabilities the other is using the Device Updater software.  Either can work to perform the same function, if you do not have connection to a WiFi source you would need to connect to a computer to perform these functions.



Updating using WiFi


  1. Power device up with either the OBD-II or micro USB cable
  2. Select the option for Device Settings
  3. Then select the first option of Check for Updates.  If you have not already entered your WiFi password you will be prompted to do so here.
  4. Confirm the updates and allow the tuner to go through the updating process.
  5. When the update is complete you will get a message stating "Up to Date" you are then fine to perform other functions with the Rev-X or disconnect it to power it down.


Updating using the Device Updater software


  1. Install the SCT Device Updater program.  If you do not have this installed already here are instruction for doing so.  Installing the SCT Device Updater
  2. Plug in the Rev-X tuner with the micro USB to your PC.
  3. Open the SCT Device Updater program.
  4. Select the first option in the top left corner, Automatically Check for Updates.
  5. The Rev-X tuner will be scanned and you will be notified if there are updates.  
  6. Confirm the updates to start applying them, this process may take some time.
  7. Once you Updater says "Your device is now up to date" you are fine to close the program and disconnect the Rev-X tuner.
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