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How to Load Tune Files to Device

Before you start: You should always check for updates on your BAMA X4 Tuner before starting this process. Click here for instructions on how to update your device.


If this is the first time you are installing the software please do not plug the device into your PC until AFTER you have loaded the software - it contains the necessary X4 device drivers


 How to load tunes onto your BAMA X4/SF4


1. After filling out a calibration form you will get an Email from the Bama Team with your tunes. The Email will look similar to the one below:


2. After reading over the email you will want to click the link’s at the bottom of the email and save them on your desktop. Note: They are not like normal email attachments, they are links to get the files from the BAMA website, just click it and it should start downloading like normal.



3. You will then want to open the SCT Device Updater,(To Install the Updater Click Here) and plug your device into the USB port. This should now check for updates, an important first step when adding, removing and data logging.




4. Once the updates are done Click Load Custom Tune Files




5. Select Browse in the top right of the window. Navigate to the folder where your tune files are located and select one and click Open.







6. The selected tune will now show up on the left side under Available Tunes. Click the Double arrows (>>) to add the tune to the device.



7. Now you will see the tune over to the On Device To write the tunes to the device click the Program button and you will see the bottom green bar’s animate until the status is Custom Tune Programming Complete.






8. Run through steps 5-7 for the remaining tunes until all the tunes are programmed onto the device.



9. You are now ready to head out to your car and put the BAMA custom tunes on your car.


NOTE: To edit the name of the file as it appears on your device, you must select the file while it’s in the On Device section, type the desired name in the box below and click Save





If you are using Windows 8 you will need to upgrade to Windows 8.1.  If your device does not connect, please see our Windows 8.1 driver help article here


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